Heating, Air Conditioning & Solar in Lincoln, CA Since 1998

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(916) 645-0882

Furnace Repair in Lincoln, CA

The words “problem” or “furnace repair” are simply not words people like to hear as they typically mean discomfort along with time and money right down the drain. Astro Air Design is here to keep you warm when our Sacramento nights turn cold. We repair any make and model of furnace or heat pump equipment.

Heating Repair Sacramento – A Job Done Right

Astro Air Design has the experience and technical knowledge required to do work the right way. Too many California homeowners spend money they shouldn’t be spending on their indoor comfort system…all because they’re receiving bad advice from a technician.

When you call us out for heat pump or furnace repair, we perform accurate problem diagnosis, and we also take your entire system into account. Sometimes fixing an old furnace is a waste of money, because there are other things about to go wrong. We give you the advice that we would not to hear — the best ways to spend your hard earned money.

Maintenance is Key

Heating repair Sacramento — want to avoid the need for it? There’s a widespread problem across causing furnaces to only live up to 3/4 (or less) of their potential life span. Do you know what that problem is? A lack of maintenance. That’s right…if your indoor comfort system isn’t maintained, energy bills will increase, and equipment will fail prematurely.

Astro Air Design offers low cost, seasonal maintenance for all makes of heating equipment. Let us help protect your investment! Call us today at (916) 645-0882.

Heating Installation

Trumping even maintenance, the most important aspect of a home comfort system is the design and installation. If load balancing and equipment pairing isn’t done correctly, along with ducting and other items meeting factory specifications, you will have problems down the road. Astro Air Design performs design and installation work the right way, protecting your comfort and investment.

Whole House Humidifier

Our desert climate is dry, and sending dry winter air through a furnace kills even more moisture. This leads to dry skin, dry eyes and slightly higher utility bills because dry air feels colder. A whole house humidifier restores needed balance, making your home more comfortable and your utility bills less expensive. Call us to learn about whole house humidifier options we provide.

What Is A Heat Pump?

You might hear the term “heat pump” and wonder exactly what that means. To understand this, know that comfort control is all about moving heat energy. In the summer, you move heat energy out of your home and in the winter, back in. A heat pump works just like an air conditioner in the summer. In the winter, it reverses the process by extracting heat energy from the outside air. Heat pumps are all electric.

furnace repair lincoln ca
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Astro Air Design & Solar